Aromatics International Cleanse Essential Oil & Hydrosol Set #3

Aromatics International imports and exports 100% pure, organic essential oils and natural aromatherapy products. Their products are pure, effective, and sustainable. Each product is either classified as certified organic, organically grown, or wildcrafted, depending on the producer and which classification is available to them in their local region. All these terms mean the same thing – organic, free of harmful pesticides and herbicides, and are vibrant. They work with small-scale distillers and producers and support local communities in over 60 different countries. This set includes 5ml Tea Tree EO, 15ml Orange EO, 15ml Lemon EO, 3.4 oz Eucalyptus Hydrosol.

Retails for $49

Starting Bid – $34

Tea Tree Benefits –  Reduces infections caused by unwanted bacteria or fungus. Tea tree essential oil is great for reducing minor inflammation, as well. It is also prized for supporting a healthy respiratory system and can prove useful for treating coughs and other lung ailments.

Lemon Benefits –  Lemon verbena essential oil’s citral content means it is great for eliminating unwanted germ activity. Supportive of a healthy immune system.

Orange Benefits – Emotionally and energetically, sweet orange essential oil brings bright energy and positivity to those struggling with situational depression or a negative outlook.  This essential oil is often used when looking to reduce minor pain and inflammation as well as reduce the presence of unwanted bacteria.

Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus hydrosol is antitussive, expectorant, and bronchodilatory by nature. It makes a very soothing and cooling compress for relieving chest congestion and coughs. Place it over the lung area, and you’ll soon feel its effects! Eucalyptus hydrosol is also antimicrobial, effectively reducing bacteria, viruses, and fungi from both surfaces as well as from the air. This hydrosol makes an excellent room spray to promote a clean, healthy respiratory environment.


Project categories: Support Mending Roots Auction

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